Birthdays Reminder
Get reminded about your friends' birthdays by email. Import data from Facebook or enter it manually. It's secure, private, and free for everyone!
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How it works?
Birthdays Reminder is a web app that reminds you of your friends' birthdays via email. After sign up you set up the reminder time and your timezone and at the day when a friend has a birthday, we'll send you an email at the specified time.
You can add birthdays manually or import data from Facebook.
It's free forever, secure, and private. Nobody will see your data, even the staff. Your data belongs to you and can be easily exported in preferable format by request.
Made by real people for real people
Hi, my name is Sasha! I'm on the mission to make people write more. I hate the trend of corporations controlling what we post and what we read and want to change it.
There's no VC-backed startup behind the project but that's the good news! I won't sell your data and will be very personal with you.
Sasha Koss, indie maker, the author of Birthday Reminders